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Download an astrologer for yourself!

A private consultation with a professional astrologer in modern times sometimes costs quite a lot of money. After all, even considering fairly simple life situations, an astrologer has to fully analyze your horoscope and spend quite a lot of time on it. Turn to astrologers who take a little money. the risk of getting to a charlatan or a novice astrologer is increased. In addition, people are often led to an astrologer by simple curiosity, for which they do not want to pay several thousand rubles. But it is always interesting to find out what awaits us, and free horoscopes for 12 zodiac signs reflect only the most general trends and, alas, do not have high reliability. In the age of information technology development, the way out of the situation has appeared quite simple. a computer program that can independently analyze a personal horoscope.

We have been working on our program since 2001. Of course, it cannot be said that the accuracy of the horoscopes issued by the program is comparable to the horoscope compiled by a professional astrologer as part of a personal consultation, but the accuracy of the horoscopes and forecasts issued is still significantly higher than in general or zodiac horoscopes.

What is it about? We are talking about the Horoscop for Windows program, which to some extent can imitate your personal astrologer. The program was written by a professional astrologer with quite a lot of experience in conducting consultations. Over the six years that the program has been improved, it has gained many useful features. We'll talk about them later. In the meantime, it should be noted that you do not even need to know a little astrology to work with the program. You just need to be able to use a computer, install a program and enjoy the results.

What is so interesting that the Horoscop for Windows program can do? She can analyze your horoscope, but the program's judgments will be based on your personal horoscope, which takes into account the date, time and place of your birth. The program currently knows how to make a general personal horoscope (a description of your character and some areas of life) and a personal sexual horoscope (describes your sexuality, attitude to sexual relations). In the next version, a personal business horoscope will also be added (it will help in assessing your business abilities and career choice). By the way, all updates of the program are absolutely free for its users.

As a nice addition, the program makes up several types of zodiac horoscopes (which take into account the position of the Sun only). These are zodiac, sexual, negative, perfume horoscopes. The program has a horoscope of a teacher, a programmer, a horoscope of gifts, a female sexual horoscope. Additional horoscopes can also be connected to the program. For those who study astrology themselves and want to learn more about their horoscope, the program has a function "coordinates" - You can see the location of planets and houses in the horoscope.
But the functions of the program are not limited only to natal horoscopes. The program has an astrological forecast block! You can get a general forecast (similar to the one printed in newspapers or on websites) or a personal one (which is calculated only for you). The program can create a horoscope for today, a horoscope for tomorrow and generally for any date you choose.

In addition to forecasts for the day, the program is able to build astrological calendars (also personal). They show your success in several areas - love, personal relationships, money, shopping, health, education, travel. Instead of a schedule, you can get a score in points, this will help you plan correctly not only the day, but also any period, learn a little about your future The program can show the general background of any date - just select the "Characteristics of the day" in the menu and immediately find out how favorable the background is for a particular date.
The program runs in a Windows environment. The size of the distribution, depending on the version, takes about 400 Kb. The interface is completely Russian-speaking. You can download the program to learn more about its functions.

Many features of the program are available for free and do not require registration. However, for the full-featured operation of the program, it is necessary to purchase a personal key (the key is calculated for each user by an astrologer, the key contains most of the horoscope data in encrypted form - only mathematical parameters). The cost of the key is minimal - only 75 rubles. The key will be compatible with all the following versions of the program. It is very easy to purchase a key - you can pay for it in more than 20 ways, including sending SMS to a short number.

The only thing that is not yet in the program is the compatibility horoscope. However, there are plans to add it to the program's functions. So over time, you will be able to receive a compatibility horoscope using our program. Keep your hand on the pulse and don't miss the opportunity to try your luck for free. Use the vavada promo code no deposit to get freespins. Follow the link and find out how to activate this bonus in a couple of minutes!