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Scandinavian diet for weight loss: basic principles

There are so many ways to lose weight that it's hard to choose the right one. On the other hand, it is worth looking for diets that provide the body with essential nutrients, are rich in valuable and natural products, and take into account individual needs. The Scandinavian diet, known as the Nordic diet, meets all these conditions.

The Scandinavian diet is not only a way to lose weight. This way of eating can be practiced throughout your life — it has various variations, and you can vary the number of calories you get during meals. The basic principles of the diet include the following indications:

• Include whole—grain foods high in fiber in your diet - whole-grain dark bread is especially recommended. It contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which in turn has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the elimination of toxins from the body.;

• You need to reduce your meat intake in favor of fatty marine fish. In salmon, mackerel or herring, omega-3 fatty acids have a broad health-improving effect and help protect the body from free radicals.;

• If you do add meat to your meals, pay attention to game (it has less fat than pork) and offal in various forms. But animal fats and dairy products with a high fat content should be excluded from the diet.;

• Every day it is worth eating several servings of vegetables (especially protein—rich legumes) and fruits - they contain essential vitamins, minerals and soluble fiber.;

• Meals should be taken at the usual time. Both the way it is prepared and the way it is consumed are important. Haste, distracting stimuli, or negative emotions are definitely undesirable. Eat slowly, concentrating on the activity.

The Scandinavian diet will help you lose weight in a healthy way — it will also change your eating habits for the better. This way of eating involves the use of natural, healthy and low—processed foods - besides, they are easily accessible in our climatic zone.

It's very simple to make an approximate menu — start the day with low-fat cottage cheese with vegetables and whole-grain bread, eat sandwiches and baked or boiled fish, drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, cook soups with vegetarian broth.


It is worth noting that this diet is one of the healthiest in the world, has a positive effect on both health and life expectancy, supports the functioning of the nervous system and brain, improves concentration and memory. However, the list of advantages is much longer — it has been proven that:

1. The Scandinavian diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.
2. The menu of this diet helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as sugar levels (therefore it can be used to prevent diabetes).
3. Following a diet improves not only your mood and health, but also your appearance. The ingredients included in the daily diet help strengthen nails, hair and cope with skin imperfections (thanks to unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants). LiraSpin Casino